Riverside County District Attorney's Office: Paid 2L Externship Program

Each year, we invite approximately 12 to 15 exceptional candidates to participate in our 2L Summer Externship Program. Typically, more than half of our 2L Summer Externs are returning 1L Summer Externs. The 2L Externs must complete all requirements, obtain certification by the California State Bar, and successfully complete introductory Criminal Procedure.

Beginning the first Tuesday after Memorial Day and ending the first week in August, this full-time externship is one of the most competitive and exciting opportunities for future career prosecutors in the state.

We begin the externship with a mandatory weeklong training academy, where we teach externs about research, motion-writing, prosecutorial ethics, the life of a criminal case, making and responding to objections, conducting preliminary hearings, arguing motions, and other pertinent topics.

We then assign our 2L Summer Externs to a vertical prosecution unit and give them their own caseload. Working under the supervision of experienced prosecutors, these externs prepare their cases for preliminary hearing, respond to various motions, and prepare for trial. We expect our 2L Summer Externs to take numerous cases to preliminary hearing, argue dozens of motions in court, and many complete entire misdemeanor jury trials.

Our 2Ls work shoulder-to-shoulder with seasoned prosecutors in their vertical prosecution unit, where they receive supervision and mentorship daily.

By the end of the summer, you will know just what it is like to be a new prosecutor; you will have met and brought justice to real victims; you will have worked on real motions and argued them in court; you will have examined witnesses; you will have practiced the law. By the end of the summer, our 2Ls will know if they have what it takes to be a Riverside County Career Prosecutor.

We conclude the summer by inviting all of our externs to compete in the Riverside County Summer Extern Closing Argument Competition.

How to Apply:

The preferred method of applying for an interview is through your law school’s career services office. We regularly do on-campus interviews and participate in numerous public interest and public services career days and events. If your law school is not local or does not participate in any of these events, you are invited to submit a resume and cover letter to apply for a law school externship at the Riverside County District Attorney’s Office. Resumes can be a maximum of two pages. Cover letters can be a maximum of one page. The resume and cover letter should be sent to: ExternshipProgram@RivCoDA.org


Mike Romney

Deputy District Attorney

Riverside County




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