Sense Inc., TSGAC, IHS, & OTSG: Health Care Policy Intern (1 Year)


Position Description: In partnership with the Tribal Self-Governance Advisory Committee (TSGAC), the Indian Health Service (IHS) Office of Tribal Self Governance (OTSG) has funded a 1-year Project to provide outreach, education, technical, research and analytical support nationally to Self-Governance Tribes on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Pub. L. No. 111-148, as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, Pub. L. No. 111-152, collectively known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and the Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA), as amended. The overall objective of this Project is to improve Indian health care by conducting training and technical assistance across Self-Governance communities to ensure that the Indian health care system and all American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) are prepared to take advantage of the health insurance and other coverage options that will improve the quality of and access to health care services, and increase resources for AI/AN health care. This work is a part of a national campaign, comprised of national Indian organizations, IHS, and Tribal partners (Partners) that work together to conduct ACA/IHCIA training and technical assistance throughout Indian Country.  

The Project is seeking a Health Care Policy Intern for the one-year Project period to assist in providing Health Care Policy Analysis and Technical Assistance on the ACA/IHCIA. The Intern can work remotely with occasional potential travel to meetings (depending on the status of the pandemic and return to in-person meetings). 

Responsibilities include: 
• Participate in quarterly meetings of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Tribal Technical Advisory Group (TTAG) and Medicare and Medicaid Policy Committee (MMPC) meetings, including TTAG ACA Policy Sub-committee and MMPC IHS/Tribal Workgroup meetings. Provide written summary of key issues of relevance to Self-Governance Tribes and identify follow up actions. 
• Review current TSGAC Issue Briefs and identify any needed updates. 
• Work with the Project team to identify and draft up new Issue Briefs on key ACA/IHCIA topics for the TSGAC. 
• Participate and provide updates at the TSGAC quarterly meetings. 
• Work with the Project team to analyze data and trends on the Marketplace enrollment metrics (data released annually from CMS). 
• Work with the Project team to provide technical assistance and respond to inquiries from TSGAC and Self-Governance Tribes. 
• Participate and attend the Annual Tribal Self-Governance Conference (targeted for May 2022). Requirements/Qualifications: 
• College student or recent graduate interested in Tribal governance, Indian health policy, public health, public policy, or similar disciplines.

• Familiarity with Tribal governments and basic principles of the Indian Self-Determination and Education and Assistance Act. 
• Good research, writing and oral skills. 
• Ability to work independently and communicate regularly with team members. • Ability to travel occasionally to attend in person meetings. 

To apply for this position: 

Please email the following PDF documents to Cyndi Ferguson, ACA/IHCIA Project Lead at: 
• 1-2 page cover letter 
• Resume (including 2-3 references) 
• Writing sample (2-4 pages)


Eligibility: 1L, 2L, 3L, Recent Grads, Attorneys

Location: Remote


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