FDCC Foundation "Barb Currie Diversity Scholarship" 2021

The Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel is committed to the full participation and inclusion of diverse professionals in our organization and the legal profession as part of our core values of diversity and inclusion. To that end, we seek diverse members, whether persons of color, women, LGBTQ, or persons with physical limitations and whether they represent economic, geographic, social, ethnic, racial or religious diversity. With these core values in mind, we created the FDCC Foundation Barb Currie Diversity Scholarship to honor the spouse of one of our long time members, Edward J. Currie, Jr., a champion of diversity in the profession.


The FDCC Foundation Barb Currie Diversity Scholarship will be open to application by all diverse law school students and prospective students. The selected recipients will receive a $5,000 academic scholarship to the law school of their choice. The applications will go through a two-step review process. The first, review will be conducted by a subcommittee composed of FDCC members and spouses appointed by the President of the FDCC Foundation. The second and final review process will be composed by five members: the President of the FDCC Foundation, a Member of the Foundation Board, a Member of the Diversity Committee, a Member of the Admissions Committee, and a Member of the Membership Development & Retention Committee. 


To apply, please submit the following materials no later than March 15, 2021 to rhillman@paramountlawgroup.com:

  • Personal statement describing how you will contribute to FDCC's core values of diversity and inclusion, describing your needs and any unique qualifications and providing information on any other matters you believe would assist the Review Committee in evaluating your application (1000-word limit)

  • Writing sample (7-page limit)

  • Three references including names and contact information of individuals who can attest to your professional and academic abilities


Applications may be submitted beginning February 1, 2021. All parts of the application must be submitted at the same time to Roger Hillman (rhillman@paramountlawgroup.com). Applications must be received by, March 15, 2021. Please address any questions about the Barb Currie Diversity Scholarship program to Roger Hillman (rhillman@paramountlawgroup.com); Imoh Akpan (iak;an@fandpnet.com) or Joanna Blackburn (jblackburn@bgllaspyrhode.com).

For more information, please visit - http://www.thefederation.org


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